What have you been doing today?

Attending a high school reunion, in a local city centre pub. It was surprisingly well attended, compared to previous ones I'd been to. Trouble was, I didn't really recognise anyone. Lucky, I invited Avril along, just to keep me company, and just had a bit of time spare, to show her some of the City or the bits I still knew...

The faces have changed so much over the intervening decades, has as the City itself. Many were absent, died, dementia, or simply out of the country.
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Working in my occasional p/t job over the Velodrome in the Olympic city. Got a train up to the workshop on my way home to pick up the DIL's car. Hit a bollard reversing it out into the road, scratched the wing, broke the side repeater lamp which devalued the car by all of two bob. Got home had a tinker with the dishwasher housing in the new kitchen then ran the car back to her. Listened to my grandson reading - he's really good for a 5 year old. Kept pretending to fall asleep which made him laugh. Came home and did a bit more on the kitchen. Had enough now. Going to have a shower and go to bed. Goodnight.
Neighbours - that is the people next door not the organisation or the TV program.

Just mowed the back lawn. The Morello Cherry tree that was showing signs of a good crop this year now has over half the leaves are dead. Looking around the neighbour has had someone (Cause he does SFA himself) spray the honeysuckle in his garden - but it looks like the overspray has killed our tree. Really, really Pizzed Off!

That's awful.
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I’m calling it a night for the kitchen. Had a late start because I had someone fitting a new window to the kitchen and I would have been in his way. Finished late though - twenty past eleven! Mrs Mottie is out with her mates so I thought I’d just crack on. Made up a cupboard for the dishwasher and that’s easier said than done. Got there in the end, just one fùck up - I dropped a bit of copper pipe inside it - it’s integrated and has no top. When I shone a torch down there, I saw a screwdriver in there as well. Managed to get the pipe out with my litter picker but at the same time I knocked the screwdriver down further and knocked an earth wire spade connector off too so I had to take it all out and strip it down. Had a good clean up as well. Starting to take shape now. I am aching like a b’stard though and my knees are killing me.
A day off of the kitchen today under orders from Mrs Mottie - she knows me and doesn’t want me getting fed up, resent starting it and lose interest halfway through. I must admit, that is my usual M.O. but so far I’m still keen. Got up late this morning, been out to get some bird seed from BM stores, coffee pods from Lidl and in a minute I’m off to the allotment to plant a few more of my seedlings out. On the way I’m going to pick up some more bits from the plumbers merchants to allow me to do a trial fit of the sink and waste tomorrow and when I’m sure the bases are all in straight, level and secure I’ll get the people round to make the template for the quartz worktops. Should be back in time to see qualifying for the F1 then out to see an amateur dramatic murder mystery tonight and I’ll stay up to see the boxing. If I don’t fall asleep!
Washing in.

Dad taxi.

Washing out.


Second openwater swim of the year : just a kilometre.


More dad taxi.

BLTs for lunch.

More washing in.

Washed car.

Polished side of car (scrapes in clear coat, from country lane passing / crater dodging).

Rescued cat. A bit.

Washing out.

Yet more dad taxi.

Shopping for tea.

Got golf on now, drinking Cobra (y)
I've just watched a daftie from round the corner letting his dog have a dump as he was standing beside it, on the field in front of my house and then walk away as he stared me in the face. I was standing at my front door.
I didn't say anything because I might have been meaning to say, would you like a bag for that? But, somewhere between brain and mouth it would have changed to, pick that f*cking sh!te up ya dirty batsrad!
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Washing the windows, ground floor only so far, except for the bathoom window, but done properly. Bathroom window is accessible from utility room flat roof.

We can see out now ;)

Gave the grass another close crop, now that the tractors cutting more reliably. Then Avril complained that her strimmer wasn't working, plugged into the summerhouse power, plus ornament pump, was 'iffy', and so wasted half an hour, looking for a non-existent faults on both.
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