What have you been doing today?

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Today I’ve been helping out over my allotment - fitting a new covering on the huge communal poly tunnel. It wasn’t just a matter of one off, one on either - the bottom of the cover is dug about a foot into the ground and it all had to be dug out. Being the youngster at 62 years old, I got all the heavy work as well as the high level stuff to do. There were 10 of us altogether and we managed to get it all done just before it lashed down with rain although my back feels like it’s broken in half right now! So, what have you lot been doing today?
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Trip to wholesalers to source a replacement light fitting, Aldi for some cheap sultanas for the blackbirds, prepare a quote, setting up my CCTV system
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Purging my boxes of " it will come in useful one one " things.

I have to admit to being a mini-hoarder.

Quite a lot of electronic components going to the tip tomorrow
Purging my boxes of " it will come in useful one one " things.
We’ve got two of those drawers in the kitchen. S**t drawers they’re called. “Deb, have we got any AAA batteries?" "Bottom s**t drawer!" Not to be confused with s**t corner as my wife call the side table next to where I sit.

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