I'm Absolutely Disgusted

Schiz, I take it you are fully qualified to call him an idiot?
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Schiz, I take it you are fully qualified to call him an idiot?

I am perfectly qualified to have an opinion, yes. It is what people have when they head isn't shoved up their arse. When you finally get the procedure to have yours removed, you'll maybe have one too.
my question was 'are you fully qualified to call him an idiot'.
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Lifesagasman said:To Coljack,
Welcome back ,

By the way Schiz thinks you're vermin because you are on the dole.

Oh, and I think you are in a category he calls 'Benefit Class'

Just thoiught I'd let you know.
Lifesagasman said:To Coljack,
Welcome back ,

By the way Schiz thinks you're vermin because you are on the dole.

Oh, and I think you are in a category he calls 'Benefit Class'

Just thoiught I'd let you know.

............. and your problem is?
Welcome back

By the way Schiz thinks you're vermin because you are on the dole.

Oh, and I think you are in a category he calls 'Benefit Class'.

Just thought I'd let you know skitz, Even tho you are an opinionated fooker ;)
Sorry chaps I did'nt do it properley the first time.

This is just to show lifsagsface true face :LOL:
Nuke reads all my posts. A good disciple, but a jealous one
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