Zion and the Art of Armageddon

11 Nov 2020
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Erik Jan Hanussen. Never heard of him, right? I'm not surprised. The NSDAP did a good job of erasing his name from their records after his influence was no longer required and the fact he was Jewish became an awkward subject for them. He was only one of the Jewish influences on Herr Schicklgruber in the aftermath of the First World War which became a sequence of underground influences from the Zionist groups who coalesced during the 1920s with one aim: a return to Palestine and the establishment of the Holy Land. The ultimate goal is to bring about the return of the Messiah for the Kingdom of God to rule over the world and bring peace...on their terms.
Six million souls was a small price to pay for appeasement of this rapacious entity known as Yehovah in Jewish lore - he who must not be named - although HP Lovecraft had psychic premonitions of His return, calling it Yog-Sothoth. Using the Holocaust to guilt the Western Allies into giving them a free hand in migrating into the Levant and evicting Palestinians with impunity, they set about their Holy task with murderous vengeance, Arab and British were not to be spared for this undertaking, until Ben-Gurion was duly elected to lead the first Knesset; goading Arab nations into wars they were unprepared for.
Zionist spies and disinformation provoked a sequence of conflicts to ensure the Jewish nation spread rapidly, aided and abetted by their American stooge in the White House up to the Yom Kippur war when they reached the zenith of their military campaigns, sending the Palestinians into a ghetto in the Gaza Strip and gradually eroding their autonomy over the West Bank, then annexing Jerusalem for the New Capitol of the Zionist State.
This now is the end game for Zion: a willing patsy in the Republican party will be promoted by his evangelical backers into allowing them to finally remove all Palestinian resistance and bring about the return of the Messiah. You will know his return by the cloud of fire and brimstone smiting his enemies unto dust. The evangelicals get their prophecy fulfilled as The Rapture unfolds and the Zionists can rebuild the Temple upon the ashes of Islam. So mote it be.
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Hours after Hamas attacked the country on 7 October, killing more than 1,400 people, Christians United for Israel, an evangelical lobbying group which claims to have more than 10 million members, posted a message to on X, formerly known as Twitter.

“To the terrorists who have chosen this fight, hear this, what you do to Israel, god will do to you. Despite today’s weeping, joy will come because he [god] who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps,” CUFI, whose founder believes the presence of Jews in Israel is a precursor to Jesus Christ returning to Earth, wrote.

For those more familiar with the evangelical world, the vehemence of the support has not been a surprise, given the importance to evangelicals of an Israel inhabited by Jewish people. One main strand of evangelical theology holds that the return of Jews to the region starts the clock ticking on a seven-year armageddon, after which Jesus Christ will return.

The rush to respond, and the statements in support of Israel, were not surprising to those aware of the deep feeling evangelicals have for Israel.
Broadly speaking, some evangelicals believe that Jewish people returning to Israel following the 1917 Balfour Declaration, a British statement which called for “the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people”, was key to end times, when God will purge sinners and Jesus Christ will return...
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John Hagee, an evangelical pastor and influential founder of Christians United for Israel, explained the prophecy to TBN Networks in December 2022.

“God is getting ready to defend Israel in such a supernatural way it’s going to take the breath out of the lungs of the dictators on planet Earth but we are living on the cusp of the greatest most supernatural series of events the world has ever seen ready or not. What will come soon [is] the antichrist and his seven year empire that will be destroyed in the battle of armageddon. Then Jesus Christ will set up his throne in the city of Jerusalem. He will establish a kingdom that will never end,” Hagee said.

Hagee, despite having a long history of antisemitism – he has suggested Jews brought persecution upon themselves by upsetting God and called Hitler a “half-breed Jew” – founded Christians United for Israel in 2006. Among other things, the group lobbied for the US embassy in Israel to be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, which Donald Trump did in 2018, and is “committed to Israel’s strength, security and sovereignty”.

The support of evangelical Christians – in 2015 the Pew Research Center estimated there were about 62 million in the US – for Israel can be split into different groups, Hummel said. Evangelicals make up an influential part of the Republican party base, and have a strong number in Congress. More than 100 members of the current Congress can be broadly identified as evangelical, and that was on display in recent days.

Trump has specifically said he moved the US embassy to Jerusalem “for the evangelicals”, while Hagee served as an adviser to the twice-impeached president. In the 2020 election, evangelical or born-again Christians made up 28% of the overall electorate, CNN reported, and three-quarters voted for Trump. Given that support for the Republican party, under GOP leadership evangelicals would have plenty of influence.

The Gruadina
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Sounds mad, i know, but millions of people believe it and are prepared to vote.
Linky Linky

"A former prime minister of Israel has accused Benjamin Netanyahu of needlessly prolonging the Gaza offensive and blocking the path to peace"

"In a scathing condemnation, Ehud Olmert charged that Mr Netanyahu’s “arrogance” and “manipulation” had led to catastrophic security failures, allowing the Hamas attack which triggered the current conflict"

"He also warned that right-wing “messianics and extremists” brought into Israel’s governing coalition by the prime minister, are blocking the vital need for a settlement and have plans to cleanse Palestinians from their vision of a “Greater Israel”.
●I looked and
●I see a new thread.
●Thought could be interesting.
●Then I see the Author.
●Then I thought bound to be boring.
●Boring it was.
●I skimmed down here to tell everyone how boring..
Your bias is showing.
Put a dressing gown on at least, for Gods sake.
Nobody wants to see that at this time o' day.
Your bias is showing.
Put a dressing gown on at least, for Gods sake.
Nobody wants to see that at this time o' day.
Don't like dressing gowns. Uncomfortable things.
Your bias is showing.
Put a dressing gown on at least, for Gods sake.
Nobody wants to see that at this time o' day.
It's not Bias. It's just you cut a paste long boring pieces of journalism and expect a positive response.

Let's see something from you that's a reflection on your personality and how deeply you feel about something.

Not the words of a journalist or some jumped up actor or some politician.
It's not Bias. It's just you cut a paste long boring pieces of journalism and expect a positive response.

Let's see something from you that's a reflection on your personality and how deeply you feel about something.

Not the words of a journalist or some jumped up actor or some politician.
The OP is not a newspaper cutting.
Let's see something from you that's a reflection on your personality and how deeply you feel about something.
So you find the idea of the desire of certain factions in Israel to drive out the Palestinians 'boring' ?

I guess that is probably a reflection of your personality, and how you don't care about one of the root causes of what could now become a much bigger conflict!

If that happens, would you still be 'bored'?
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