Trump promotes illegal voting

3 Nov 2006
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United Kingdom
US President Donald Trump has told people in the state of North Carolina to vote twice in November's election, despite this being illegal.

Mr Trump suggested voters send a postal vote and then vote in person in order to test the system.

The president has frequently made false claims that postal votes are vulnerable to significant electoral fraud.

"Let them send it in and let them go vote," he told North Carolina broadcaster WECT-TV on Wednesday.

"And if the system is as good as they say it is then obviously they won't be able to vote (in person)."

On Thursday, he tweeted that if people vote by post they should also go to the polling station "to see whether or not your mail-in vote has been tabulated" and vote in person if necessary.

After President Trump made the initial comments, North Carolina Attorney General Josh Stein tweeted that he had "outrageously encouraged" people in the state to "break the law in order to help him sow chaos in our election".
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He knows there is a good chance he will lose, so he is trying to manipulate people into breaking the system, so he can then declare the election fraudulent and stay in the White House. He's one of a kind alright!
He knows there is a good chance he will lose, so he is trying to manipulate people into breaking the system, so he can then declare the election fraudulent and stay in the White House. He's one of a kind alright!
Nah, he's been taking notes from putin...

And borisconi/goebbels are no doubt watching eagerly...

Novichok rounds next?
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What he actually said :-
"...On your ballots, if you get the unsolicited ballots, send it in and then go make sure it counted, and then if it doesn’t tabulate, you vote. You just vote. And then if they tabulate it very late, which they shouldn’t be doing, they’ll see you voted and so it won’t count. So, send it in early, and then go and vote. And if it’s not tabulated, you vote, and the vote is gonna count. You can’t let them take your vote away. These people are playing dirty politics. Dirty politics.

So if you have an absentee ballot, or as I call it a solicited ballot, you send it in. But I would check it in any event. I would go and follow it and go vote. And everybody here wants to vote. We vote the old fashioned way. You know, we voted in World War I, we voted in World War II, we’re gonna see some great World War II heroes right now. But we voted in World War II. And today they want to give everybody ballots. And every place where they’ve done it, it’s been a mess. It’s been a mess. They don’t know where they are. They don’t know who they’re sending them to, it’s a terrible thing. Follow your ballot and vote. That’s very important, I think everybody understands..."

The more words, the more angles. Just saying...

So little understanding via the small screen in the shirt pocket more than one sweep of the finger - too much !!
Bernard you are just as bad as the newspapers, an eye catching headline which is a lie.

As already pointed out he is not promoting illegal voting he is suggesting once you have sent in your postal vote you go in person to make sure it counted...
Bernard you are just as bad as the newspapers, an eye catching headline which is a lie.

As already pointed out he is not promoting illegal voting he is suggesting once you have sent in your postal vote you go in person to make sure it counted...

Obviosuly you misheard when Trump (live on television) said...
"Let them send it in and let them go vote," he told North Carolina broadcaster WECT-TV on Wednesday.

"And if the system is as good as they say it is then obviously they won't be able to vote (in person)."

He has repeated the mantra that NC's should attempt to vote twice to test the system.

Jeez, another brainwashed Trump thicko.:(
Last edited:
Sept. 3, 2020
“...Attempting to vote twice in an election or soliciting someone to do so also is a violation of North Carolina law,” reads the statement issued by Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the North Carolina State Board of Elections.
Brinson Bell stated that North Carolina has numerous safeguards in place to prevent double voting and urged people to sign up for BallotTrax, set to launch soon, which will allow voters to track their vote through the mail and confirm that it was received by their county’s election officials..."

So no official means of checking if your vote has been tabultated or recorded, the system is supposed to prevent bona fide completed forms being counted twice. Trump's test method is a bit rough and ready but ought to work... It is America, so your guess is as good as anyone's as to whether every other vote for a particular person is merely binned...
Source :-

It is America, so your guess is as good as anyone's as to whether every other vote for a particular person is merely binned...
'Hanging chads' comes to mind...
Trump does not understand the USA voting systems . (Systems because there is no single system)

Postal votes, solicited or not, absentee or not, are not counted before the poll closes. Therefore they cannot be "tabulated".
If a person votes by post, and then tries to vote in person , they commit a crime. Full stop.
If a person recommends that a person attempts to vote twice, they commit a crime. Full stop.

"...All states track absentee ballots, so they know which voters have requested an absentee ballot and, of those, how many have returned their ballots. This information is available to poll workers on Election Day for the check-in process, either through paper or electronic poll books.

If a voter shows up at a polling place on Election Day, after having requested an absentee ballot, this will be readily apparent. Depending on state rules, a voter might be able to cancel their absentee ballot but some might be instructed to cast a provisional ballot that will trigger a review process to determine whether the person is a valid voter and whether their absentee ballot was received and counted.

Provisional ballots are the last to be reviewed and counted. If a voter’s absentee ballot was not counted, their provisional ballot would be counted.

Having large numbers of people casting provisional ballots would create long lines at polling places on Election Day because it’s more time consuming for poll workers to work through than issuing a regular ballot. Once polls close, it’s much more work for election officials..."

I have been following Trump on You Tube - It's something to see , and hear ( -sitting next to a lady senator ) that was a while ago, but an amusing name for him has been aired in the court and is now public knowledge. He is a strange character.
I would like DT to be re elected, all he is doing is pointing out to his supporters that there may be some form of irregularity with the voting system, so belt and braces !
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