Spell Checker


Staff member
17 Aug 2001
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United Kingdom
As you may have noticed a Spell Check feature has been added to the forum. There is no excuse for bad spelling now! :evil:

If you come across any words which are not in the dictionary, but you think should be - then let us know and we'll add them. You can post such words below, or email them to [email protected]
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I'll look into the suggestions for misspelt words but that is more tricky :confused: .

The main problem I meant, was the spell checker indicating correct words are misspelt. For example, one word (acronym.. whatever) that was missing was diy, which I have now added. I will look into the alternative suggestion thing though and see what I can do.
breezer said:
i thought this was funny.....

Hopefully you'll think this is also funny.

Catching Misspelled Words with Spilling Checker

As an extra addled service, I am going to put this column in the Spilling Checker, where I tryst it will sale through with flying colons. In this modern ear, it is simply inexplicable to ask readers to expose themselves to misspelled swords when they have bitter things to do.

And with all the other timesaving features on my new work processor, it is in realty very easy to pit together a colon like this one and get it tight. For instants, if there is a work that is wrong, I just put the curse on it, press Delete and its Well sometimes it deletes to the end of the lion or worst yet the whole rage. Four bigger problems, there is the Cat and Paste option. If there is some test that is somewhere were you wish it where somewhere else you jest put the curse at both ends and wash it disappear. Where you want it to reappear simply bring four quarts of water to a rotting boil and throw in 112 pounds of dazed chicken. Sometimes it brings in the Cat that was Pasted yesterday.

But usually it comes out as you planed, or batter. And if it doesn't, there are lots of other easy to lose options...
I would like to point out that:

"literally" is spelt "literally", not "literately", "littraly" etc.

"definite" and its derivations, e.g. "definitely" are spelt "definite" and "definitely", respectively; not "definate" or "definately". No "a" anywhere. At all.

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notb665 said:
I would like to point out that:

"literally" is spelt "literally", not "literately", "littraly" etc.
I suppose you could try spelling it "littorally", but I'm not shore that's a real word.

PS - please don't you start doing the old post malarkey as well....
I dno't tihnk the slepl cehkecr wluod psas tihs rusbbih but I bet msot of you can raed it. As lnog as the frsit and lsat lteetrs are crecort, the rset of tehm can be in any oedrr. The bairn stros tehm out wtih esae. Naet huh!
Why does the spellchecker tells me it's finished after I suggest and correct the wrong word with the suggested word? Happens all the time, even when there are more spelling mistakes (I make a lot of them ;) in the post?
Is it just me (or Firefox) that whenever I try to use the spellchecker the program freeses and all I can do is crt-atl-del?
(And then having to have to remember what I wanted to write and taking longer for obvious reasons - English not being my 'native' tongue)
I dont have problems, but with the number of spelling mistakes I see I dont think many people use it.
well i've checked again, seems to be my problem then.
Oh, hold on. It's working now (again).
I like firefox, but sometimes strange things happen ;) Like when I updated my site and firefox refused to show the results (even after frequently hitting the renew button). Had to delete the complete cache history to get it solved.
felix said:
I dno't tihnk the slepl cehkecr wluod psas tihs rusbbih but I bet msot of you can raed it. As lnog as the frsit and lsat lteetrs are crecort, the rset of tehm can be in any oedrr. The bairn stros tehm out wtih esae. Naet huh!

It doesn't slow me down... You know when you're sitting opposite someone & they're reading? I can read (easily) upside down. Some find that difficult.

Are you an upside down reader?
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