Another trade deal done...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
EU agrees trade deal with South American bloc

"In terms of tariff reduction, it could be the EU’s most lucrative trade deal to date, with the savings potentially four times greater than for deals with Canada and Japan combined...

In the midst of international trade tensions, we are sending today a strong signal with our Mercosur partners that we stand for rules-based trade...

the agreement “will mean the integration of a market of some 800 million people, nearly a fourth of the world’s gross domestic product and more than $100bn in bilateral trade of goods and services...

the deal also is aimed at strengthening political and cultural ties with the EU, improving access to goods, services and investments by reducing restrictions and easing access to technology and raw materials."

Such a shame that the UK will have to start from scratch after brexit...

This one only took 20 years to negotiate...

So by the time the UK gets a similar (or more likely a worse) deal, most quitters will probably be 'brown bread' :LOL:
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Good stuff, you missed the following bit off though. Not that I don't think it's a good thing in principle.

"The agreement still faces a potentially difficult road to approval: France and other countries fear the impact of a sharp hike in beef imports, while environmental groups, whose influence is stronger in the new European Parliament, argue the agreement could exacerbate deforestation."
Of course it has to be ratified...

But then to get to the ratification stage you have to do the deal in the first place...
('no deal' brexit britain will of course default to WTO until we get to play against an even bigger trading bloc)

And it's a long long process, which a small nation outside a bloc is bound to lose!

But can you tell us how many deals the EU have already done?

I'll help you out
Only took 20 years. And Japan said we'd need to negotiate a new deal. But we are great at these deals, so all will be easy.
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So by the time the UK gets a similar deal, most quitters will probably be 'brown bread'

"A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit".
Crowing about taking 20 years to get a deal (that has still to be ratified)?
How can any sane person see that as something to be lauded, rather than something to be ridiculed?
Crowing about taking 20 years to get a deal (that has still to be ratified)?
How can any sane person see that as something to be lauded, rather than something to be ridiculed?

So how long will it take us? What Industries will it cover, what quotas, regulations etc.

Its not buying UPVC windows.

In the meantime WTO awaits.
So how long will it take us? What Industries will it cover, what quotas, regulations etc.

Its not buying UPVC windows.

In the meantime WTO awaits.

The length of time is not something to be celebrated as some sort of badge of honour, imho.
The length of time is not something to be celebrated as some sort of badge of honour, imho.

Absolutely not, but as an indicator of timescales for those who do not need to secure their future quick smart it should ring alarm bells loud and clear if we think we can wade in and get a deal in 5 minutes. The truth is it takes time, clearly a lot because of all of the differing interests at play.

I don't see it as lauding a long timescale, more as a "f*ck, we're not going to get sorted any time soon".
"A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit".
Or more accurately...

Quitters don't give a s hit about the chaos and untold suffering that they are passing on to future generations!
Most people never care about the future, which is why the world is in a state now; climate change and plastics in our waterways and oceans show that.

Those people look at the here and now and see £££ signs in their eyes. Can I make a killing now? Yes! But what about leter on? Who cares, I'll be dead by then...
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