A view from Holland re Brexit

10 Jul 2005
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United Kingdom
I saw this in a separate forum and thought some folks might like to read this blokes opinion.

News just in from Holland !............"I wish the Brits would take the time to see whats going on here ... I'm a scouser living in Holland getting on 40 years now. .... It is just as bad, in some ways worse than in the UK. For example, Health Insurance is compulsory whether working or unemployed. My wife and I pay 250 euros per month and that is basic, no dentals, physios or extras. 2 major hospitals have shut down - there are no beds - the A&E is the same as the UK, families are asked to look after their parents because of shortages in Care.
The immigration problem is a laughing stock, food banks are noT coping, people in work are not making ends meet and are relying on food banks. .... Belgium, Germany and France have the same problems. Angela Merkel is stepping down as Prime Minister (Chancellor) but has forgot to tell everyone she has a secure high position in Brussels. .... Why would you want to be a member of a gang of pocket-filling thieves who do not care about their people? ... As for Junker ... don't get me started ....
The EU countries are crumbling and no f*cker gives a"dangle-doo-dandy", so GET OUT while you can and maybe others will follow suit". .... They are scaring and flexing their muscles and hoping that it will turn around, because the membership fee the UK puts in every year will have to be put up by the remaining countries. .... Holland will have to double their fee we've been told. ... What other countries can afford this?
Spain, Greece, Italy all bankrupt, so you see the EU does not want to lose the UK and will bully any way to try to win it over by threatening the Northern Ireland deal, the fishing deal, giving back Gibraltar and whatever else they can get their grubby hands on, so don't be fooled, it's not a bed of roses, things are bad here and like I said, in some matters its worse.
The riots in France are not just about fuel tax, its about living standards. .... Belgium and Holland have also taken up the baton with the Yellow Jacket Demonstrators because they're tired of it. .... Take the time to find out yourselves, then you will be glad of Brexit, and like I've said, with sense, holland will follow suit" ....
I also have a very good and close friend who I have a shared business interest with based in France. He as lived there for over 15 years and is now looking to relocate his family and business here in the UK.
There you go, so make your own minds up.
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Forget that idiotic cartoon, The Simpsons, predicting the American clown. This is what it's all about.

Lol. You go on convincing yourselves. If writing essays helps - good on ya.(y)

Dumb quitters.
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So for the last 40 years he has preferred to live in mainland Europe rather than here. And yet he thinks he should advise the people here on what they should be doing. Which for some reason is not the course which he has followed for the last 4 decades.

I hope that if he gets expelled he enjoys the country he will find when he has to return. With 40 years of NI contributions missing.
So for the last 40 years he has preferred to live in mainland Europe rather than here. And yet he thinks he should advise the people here on what they should be doing. Which for some reason is not the course which he has followed for the last 4 decades.

It’s not all about money though is it. The EU wasn’t the same all those years ago so after 40 years it would be fair to assume he has made a home and have family and friends in his adopted country. There’s nothing wrong with advising others based on your own mistakes - would you say that a person who has been smoking for 40 years and has cancer is unqualified to advise others not to smoke?

I take it when Brexit goes through and this country (according to you) turns to ****, you’ll be looking to leave your home, family and friends to go and live somewhere in your beloved EU so that you can have a bit more cash in your pocket? Well there’s another reason I can’t wait until March 29.

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It’s not all about money though . The EU wasn’t the same all those years ago so after 40 years it would be fair to assume he has made a home and have family and friends in his adopted country. There’s nothing wrong with advising others based on your own mistakes - would you say that a person who has been smoking for 40 years and has cancer is unqualified to advise others not to smoke?

I take it when Brexit goes through and this country (according to you) turns to ****, you’ll be looking to leave your home, family and friends to go and live somewhere in your beloved EU so that you can have a bit more cash in your pocket? Well there’s another reason I can’t wait until March 29.
Well said,,well constructed.
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