Recent content by ^woody^

  1. ^woody^

    Svp Re-route

    Yes above if you have the angle to the SVP. You'll need a trimmer if fitting within the roof structure.
  2. ^woody^

    Builders sand

    I was just pondering this - what are the odds eh? :rolleyes:
  3. ^woody^

    Is there an easy way to reduce noise transmission?

    Expanding foam is worse than a bad idea. OK to seal gaps for draught, but not as a general sound insulant - for that you want a dense, normally heavy material such as Rockwool quilt between the joists. Materials attached to the floor are not that good either, you need separation. Upgrade your...
  4. ^woody^

    Blown Cavity Wall Insulation - BBC news today.

    So, this is a "botched" job, not an endemic issue with CWI? Note: there are lots of "botched" building jobs done daily, for lots of reasons, but I don't see these on the BBC news site or headlines that there are industry problems with say, tarmaced drives, skim plaster, mitred worktops, leaking...
  5. ^woody^

    Stack bond pillar for French doors?

    All wall starters are flexible and allow for some movement. All door frames, especially those with heavy doors/glazed doors put a lot of rotational load on the jamb they are fixed to, so there is a risk of slender piers cracking. If its a single skin wall being joined to, it should be easy to...
  6. ^woody^

    Stack bond pillar for French doors?

    Better to bond them in, not tie due to the load from the hinges and door swing. If tying, use rigid ties, not flexible wall starters. A cavity is not required
  7. ^woody^

    Garage Conversion - Planning Permission Needed?

    As an asbestos roof is mentioned, I doubt any of that malarky was even a passing thought in a planner's mind back in the day.
  8. ^woody^

    Can these bricks be used outside?

    Slips are high risk in that location and use - perpetual damp, frost attacking the adhesive, and impact. Surely a suitable brick can be found there are literally hundreds to choose from.
  9. ^woody^

    Cutting 15mm Off Each Side Of A Door

    Even after plastering, if it's possible to remove the lining, and remove packing and refit, that's a better option. If it means re-cutting masonry, probably not - unless it's thermalite block that can be hand sawn easily.
  10. ^woody^

    Cutting 15mm Off Each Side Of A Door

    Yeah, it depends what door it is. Can't you alter the lining?
  11. ^woody^

    A couple of questions relating to pergola construction

    1. Use tanalised timber. 2. The ground.
  12. ^woody^

    Blown Cavity Wall Insulation - BBC news today.

    There is no indication that the CWI failed, or was actually the problem for subsequent mould. She was badly advised about removal and paying for it.
  13. ^woody^

    Best wooden stud detector?

    Use a magnet on the ceiling below?
  14. ^woody^

    asbestos- is this worth testing

    Don't bother. Likely to be low concentration of chrysotile which is not notifiable nor licenced work. Treat as positive and leave or remove carefully following HSE guidance.
  15. ^woody^


    Problem with render and ground level.