Recent content by Stivino

  1. Stivino

    What have you been doing today?

    I went for a walk with the dog and, her ball went through that fence. As I was reaching through to get it back, I got a belter of a shock that threw me onto the path. I knew it was an electric fence and I had "tested" it a couple of times by quickly swiping my hand across it to see if it was...
  2. Stivino

    Trump guilty

    It's a conspiracy. It's political. The judge is a Tory Blah Blah Blah
  3. Stivino

    Freeloading Welsh porkers jailed at last.

    What lifestyle did they look like?
  4. Stivino

    Warm drinking water

    If I remember correctly, the water supplied to your home has to be between 5 and 25°C. If I am correct, it is possible (although highly unlikely) that it could be above 20°C in any case.
  5. Stivino

    Somebody surely knows who these ...

    They are getting porridge.
  6. Stivino

    Really Quick Question about Speedfit Inserts

    I have a series of e-mails from them from about 12 years ago, argueing that very point. Finally, I got an admission from them that their fittings don't disassemble very well and they said they had redesigned them to fix the problem. It seems that they are still the same. They sent me a free...
  7. Stivino

    Pope doesn't like fags.. (the non-smoking kind).

    On that subject, the word finocchio is also a slang word for a gay man. I knew that, but what I didn't know is that it also the Italian word for fennel. Watching a cookery show one Saturday morning the chef, I think it was either Gennaro Contaldo or Antonio Carluccio advised to finish the dish...
  8. Stivino

    What are you watching on TV right now?

    I've not seen any of Bridgerton, but I think they were talking about that on Gogglebox the other night.
  9. Stivino

    My Tits are back!

    There are two chicks left in the nest, but I have a feeling one of them is dead. The funny thing is, I saw the mother giving it a right bashing yesterday.
  10. Stivino

    What are you watching on TV right now?

    I fell asleep for forty minutes, I'm sure I didn't miss anything exciting.
  11. Stivino

    What are you watching on TV right now?

    Yes. It's just started again.
  12. Stivino

    Post the best photo you took today

    It's hard to see but there are 3 foxes in each picture.
  13. Stivino

    My Tits are back!

    There seems to be only two chicks and an unhatched egg in the nest. I saw one of the adults putting a dead chick out at 9am this morning, I wonder what happened to the others, did they suffer the same fate?
  14. Stivino

    Post the best photo you took today

    two foxes lying on a picnic table in the caravan and camping site. I see them there almost every day but usually, only one is on the table.
  15. Stivino

    What have you been doing today?

    I was playing ball with the dog in the park when two weegies appeared with two unruly pitbulls. One of them kept jumping up at me, trying to get my ball. I immediately packed up and headed back to the car. The reason I go to that park is because it is macho man and his dog free, I suspect...