Recent content by big-all

  1. B

    [HELP] - Hanging Canvas 3kg Picture in Kitchen

    my suggestion a hanging cord side to side behind the picture secured to the sides and long enough to hold below the top surface then 2x1mm holes in the grout lines with picture hook nails in the holes to hang the picture off with or without the hooks probably better without the hooks as they...
  2. B

    Do you turn off the circuit when changing a lightbulb?

    in general never for 2 reasons lack off light in the building when off and because leds are perhaps 4-15w off no great amp value at perhaps 0.03-0.20 amps on a 6 amp lighting circuit perhaps 1% the value 230x6=1380w
  3. B

    Purlin has a crack/split. Big job? Surely not??

    to be fair the only recommendation is usually whats needed plus 50% for safety and that suggestion is what any man worth his salt will suggest which will be way over the top but safe you can off course go the structural engineers route this will be possibly less heavy support but at greater...
  4. B

    Buying advice - multitool, random orbital sander and router

    100% agree with Diver Fred actual tools depend on your requirements for example furniture manufacture may be chopsaw table saw and router house renovation chopsaw sander jigsaw buzzy toy for example
  5. B

    Purlin has a crack/split. Big job? Surely not??

    no expert but the damage and the covering up all look at least 5-10 years old possibly much much more so no immediate danger but needs a proffesional opinion
  6. B

    How to cut through this worktop?

    try and get something like a cheap bendy dinner knife or similar between wood and pipe as thats the danger area
  7. B

    New shed on seriously poor concrete base

    do you have planning and building regs permission ??
  8. B

    AA primary cell voltage through its life?

    do what i do pepper grinder/blood pressure monitor what ever with a motor at the first sign off struggle remove into the clock/remote control/door bell or whaever box for further service
  9. B

    Walsall Corporation double decker 1953

    can you not contact the local bus company i am sure there will be a retired old fitter you can contact via news letter or social club that will both know the answer and be delighted to help and give history and anecdotes
  10. B

    Walsall Corporation double decker 1953

    my thoughts in general buses, trains and other passenger vehicles will need everything up to operational levels as in air pressure and control circuits live with a key in most doors are pneumatic with electrical control and sensors?? are you suggesting your doors have no air pistons just...
  11. B

    Turning freezers off at selected times of day to save money, thoughts please.

    another thought iff it has fast freeze turn that on overnight and off the rest off the time and that will bank some cold at cheap rate
  12. B

    Turning freezers off at selected times of day to save money, thoughts please.

    my thoughts a possible say 250w average over say 4 hours i 1kw so 1kw at cheap rate over normal rate saving perhaps 20p a day control gear costs perhaps £12 so could pay for its self quite quickly but if it goes wrong and your away for a few days 3 freezers full off food that needs to be eaten...
  13. B

    Fridge Not cooling, Problem solving.....

    by default automatically go for defrost as the simple cheap option for 24hrs frost free or 2-6 hrs aided by warm water bowls to aid defrosting
  14. B

    Uneven shed base

    just space it off the concrete by around 12mm to keep the timber off the ground preferably at the top off the slope you will need support along the joists [floor timbers]at least every 6-800mm dependent on timber size to avoid a trampoline
  15. B

    OSB TG4 prices - what's the difference???

    travis by default are overpriced i never use them you need a long relationship to get a decent discount with them you need a 60%+ discount to get the fair value they work on the casual visitor being ecstatic with 25-40% discount