23vc's latest activity

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    23vc replied to the thread Re skim over day old plaster?.
    Only to a small degree, any real levelling/filling of the background would normally be done with a coat of bonding coat (or other...
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    23vc replied to the thread Re skim over day old plaster?.
    Very roughly, skim in this weather with windows closed, heating off, clean water for mix, background suction controlled if needed...
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    23vc replied to the thread Re skim over day old plaster?.
    Skimming is only going to be as flat as what you’re going over, check the boards. Don’t put it on too thin either - it should go on...
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    23vc replied to the thread Re skim over day old plaster?.
    Couple of tips if it helps, when you lay it on, aim to get it on at a rate of say 1sqm per minute, not hard to do if you get into the...
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    Might make sense to hack some holes in the ceiling inside the larder, and see what is being supported by it
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    23vc replied to the thread Tree near house.
    Thanks all. My only concern at this point is structural damage to the house and it seems on balance that’s not likely to be a huge worry...
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    23vc reacted to kingandy2nd's post in the thread Cutting block pavers with a cut off saw with Thanks Thanks.
    Steel toe caps :)
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    23vc replied to the thread Tree near house.
    Given all this I’m surprised the survey didn’t even give the tree a mention, it was the one thing I thought would get picked up.
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    23vc replied to the thread Tree near house.
    It actually looks a lot more imposing in the photo than it does in reality. All good points, will bear in mind. Would be surprised if a...
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    23vc replied to the thread Tree near house.
    Could be cut down in future if it causes an issue though?
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    23vc reacted to jurassic sparkk's post in the thread Tree near house with Thanks Thanks.
    Sometimes the roots can grow under the foundations and dry out the subsoil underneath, causing shrinkage that makes the entire building...
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    23vc reacted to Londoner2's post in the thread Tree near house with Thanks Thanks.
    I would not buy any houses with a tree that size within 3m (front) to 9m (back) of a house, if the tree is small i would chop it down...
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    23vc replied to the thread Tree near house.
    Thanks all. I don’t know the soil type, but on balance I’m not overly concerned
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    23vc reacted to George_engineer's post in the thread Tree near house with Thanks Thanks.
    > No visible cracking anywhere internally/externally. There's your answer. My view is outside of London, most cracking is caused by...
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    23vc reacted to stuart45's post in the thread Tree near house with Thanks Thanks.
    Depends on the soil type. Cherry is a moderate water demand tree, so with a high shrinkable clay it could be a problem.